Technology-induced changes and the crumbling trade & travel barriers have thrown up new opportunities, while stepping up competition in the workplace, the profile of winners and leaders in the new age is changing
The school, only next to family has a special responsibility. They must realign to equip children with attitudes and skill sets essential for winning in this intensely competitive information age. A modern infrastructure, containing realignment of curriculum and pedagogy and a committed & skilled faculty are essential ingredients of a new age school.
Holistic development of the students and instilling in them critical thinking skills, a global perspective, a respect for core values of honesty, loyalty, perseverance, and compassion.
To impart wholesome and holistic education to all the students.
To tap and bring out the innate talents of each student.
To create a congenial environment in the class for the students to cherish their precious childhood throughout their life.
To identify the uniqueness of each student.
To help and guide each student to become a leader tomorrow.
School is dedicated to the Intellectual, personal, social, emotional & physical growth of students which encourages every student to realize his/her fullest potential.
Education is the noblest service under the sky.
To serve and lead the students the way God leads His children.
Every teacher is regarded as an affectionate mother.
Every child in the hands of a teacher is like clay in the hands of a potter.
To help and guide each student to discover his/her potential.
To identify the strengths and weaknesses of each student and to provide the necessary assistance.
Every child is a genius by birth. A teacher must make him a complete human being.
To impart character-making education.
To instill a high degree of self-esteem and self-confidence.
Our Mission is to provide high quality education and childcare in a safe, respectful and inclusive environment that builds a foundation for life-long learning.